Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Meeting by Teleconference

Many companies choose to meet by teleconference as it is simple as all is required is an enhanced speakerphone. A cell phone is also possible if you are the only person calling into the teleconference.
An enhanced speakerphone is used when several people take part in a teleconference from the same location and need to reach others who are located elsewhere.
The only downfall with meeting by teleconference is that you cannot see the people you are talking to however it is more effective than writing an email as you can discuss several items of importance quickly and effectively.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Meeting by Videoconference

Ideally, it's best when groups meet in person however sometimes, it's not ideal to meet in person therefore the choice is made to meet by videoconference. Videoconferencing allows two or more locations to communicate by video and audio transmission.

Videoconferencing offers participants the option of being present in a meeting without having to travel to get there. This saves the company money as the employee doesn't need to pay to travel or stay overnight in a hotel which can be costly.

Videoconferencing provides the opportunity to share information such as computer files and makes interaction easier as you can see who you are talking to and interacting with.

Employers need to provide designated meeting rooms with specialized equipment to be able to offer this option to its employees. Basic equipment consists of a camera, computer and a monitor and proper IT support to offer the service.

The following video demonstrates the equipment available for videoconferencing and how it can reach those who might not be able to meet with you in person.

Meeting Conclusion

Once a meeting comes to an end, it is important for the Chair to reiterate what was discussed so that everyone fully understands what took place.

The Chair also needs to review any action items and who is responsible for following up on those items following the meeting.

The minute taker will need to transcribe the minutes and then forward to all those who attended the meeting. 

It is also important for the Chair to call or email those who are responsible for action items and ensure that they have completed those items in a timely manner.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Role of meeting chair and minute taker

It is essential to begin your meeting on time. Someone needs to act as the meeting chair and another person needs to act as the minute taker. The chair directs the meeting and ensures that it is being run on schedule. The minute taker's role is to take away key points from the meeting and put them in a written or typed format. 

It is the chair's duty to ensure that everyone in the meeting is heard and stays on topic. Different points of view are normal during meetings, and it's important for the chair to make sure that conflict is kept at a minimum.

What to do before booking a meeting?

Here are some tips on what to do prior to booking a meeting:

  • Ensure the meeting is necessary so that you don't waste anyone's time
  • Once you determine that it is necessary to meet, e-mail key people that should be in attendance
  • Attach an agenda 
  • Include the topic of discussion
  • Agenda items
  • Names of those who will be speaking on the various topics of discussion
  • Meeting location, date and time 
  • Include start and end times