Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Instant Messaging (IM)

  • Instant messaging (IM) is another alternative for a quick meeting especially if you are looking for immediate answers or wish to relay information to one or more persons in a timely fashion.

  • Essentially, instant messaging is a form of communication over the internet whereby you can instantly send messages to one or more persons in real time.

  • One of the best features of instant messaging is being able to see whether the person is available, busy or away as this information is displayed on the person’s profile. 
  • Instant messaging is very handy for businesses that provide customer support as customers can instantly speak to a representative in real time and deal with an issue as it arises.

  • It is also a useful tool for businesses to communicate with their customers, colleagues, and suppliers who might be located in the same office building or located somewhere around the world.

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