Thursday, March 21, 2013

Conference Planning

Conference Planning is a very detailed oriented task which usually requires a number of individuals to be involved in the planning process.

  • First goal is to understand the meeting objectives
  • A budget will need to be prepared
  • Next is to form a planning committee who will oversee the meeting
  • A venue will need to be selected
  • Meeting delegates will need to be invited
  • Promotional material will need to be produced
  • Staffing needs will need to be determined
  • A number of speakers will need to be invited
  • Session content will need to be determined
  • A number of committee meetings will need to take place to ensure plans are on schedule
  • A debriefing meeting should follow after the conference


A wiki is a website that allows you to edit, delete, or add information to the site.

It is an easy website to access and is simple to navigate. By using a wiki, there are many ways of communicating. Many businesses use a wiki for their company employees and customers to receive and share information.

Wikis can be used for:

• Sharing information about a given topic
• Managing a project, organizing an event, creating a product, and setting up a new tool
• Communicating with other people

Saturday, March 16, 2013


  • A common way to share information as well as offer a type of discussion which is published on the internet is called a blog.

  • It is a type of journal which others can see and comment on should they wish to do so however those who comment cannot change any of the content on the blog

  • Blogs are very helpful to new members of a group or teams when they need to quickly become familiar with a subject or topic

  • Blogs are a great way to avoid spending time in unnecessary meetings as people can simply visit a blog and get caught up on important matters in a timely manner

  • Blogs are Web-based documents and can be saved and searched by a variety of ways such as by name, title, category, project or interest

  • Information on a blog is easily categorized, filed, and accessible
  • When using a blog for business purposes, many companies will store this information in one central location, most often on a company’s intranet site

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Instant Messaging (IM)

  • Instant messaging (IM) is another alternative for a quick meeting especially if you are looking for immediate answers or wish to relay information to one or more persons in a timely fashion.

  • Essentially, instant messaging is a form of communication over the internet whereby you can instantly send messages to one or more persons in real time.

  • One of the best features of instant messaging is being able to see whether the person is available, busy or away as this information is displayed on the person’s profile. 
  • Instant messaging is very handy for businesses that provide customer support as customers can instantly speak to a representative in real time and deal with an issue as it arises.

  • It is also a useful tool for businesses to communicate with their customers, colleagues, and suppliers who might be located in the same office building or located somewhere around the world.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Web Conferencing

Web conferencing is a mechanism which allows people to meet by connecting through the World Wide Web. 

Through web conferencing, meeting participates can use their own computers or mobile devices to take part in a meeting. Participates can share documents online so that others can view or access them during the meeting.